Friday, October 25, 2013

Introduction and statement of purpose

Despite all the hard work of Andrew Drummond in exposing scum like Drew Noyes, there is only so far an ethical and professional journalist can go without covering his arse legally. I'm sure there is a lot more he wants to say but can't because of the vindictive and vexatious nature of Drew Noyes and his pathetic fixation on Court Cases he has to be very careful. Drummond is a brave guy taking on these people as Thailand has proven itself to be a pretty lawless country - The fact that Drew Noyes is allowed to take out case after case of vexatious litigation against Drummond is proof of this. If this was the UK or US then he'd be banned from making Civil cases for life by now.

The computer crimes act and libel laws are there to be abused by the wealthy for persecution of the poor. Don't a newspaper journalist dare say anything bad about a wealthly Thai corporation or individual!!!

Most people are honest, hard working and genuine. Most people find the actions of a man like Drew Noyes disgusting and I'm sure many people would like to do just a little bit for the better good if they could.

However we are not dealing with a sane individual as we all know, the guy is a Narcissistic Sociopath who actually believes his own lies. Just look at his anonymous blogs to see the sick crap the guy comes out with - not signs of a well man.

He has attacked so many innocent people on his anonymous blogs, I think it is time to play the conman at his own game.

About Me (Mangus Evans 2)

I am a former Thai Expat and Drew Noyes scam victim (There are so many victims I have absolutley no fear of the penny dropping), I choose to remain anonymous because I don't want to be poisoned on the net by Drew Noyes. I am not the same Mangus Evans that produced theYouTube video warnings however that "Mangus" is in touch. It may sound like a case of the pot calling the kettle black by starting an anonymous blog to condemn in part anonymous blogs but again we are not dealing with normal or sane individuals. I do not work and I now wish to dedicate a little of my time raising awareness of the Noyes issue. I would like to form the NOYES ABATEMENT SOCIETY and we are looking for members, however there are some warnings if we are to all remain safe from the victimization and libels of Drew Noyes.

In the next topic I will explain how you can protect your identity online and how you can help the "Noyes Abatement Society" in it's work to protect the innocent in Pattaya from being bled dry by the likes of Drew Noyes.

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